Wagyu | Australia

Jac Wagyu Rib Cap Meat MB 3+


*Price may vary depending on weight

Hailing from the prestigious Australian Wagyu producer, this cut delivers unrivaled flavor and tenderness. Often called the "Ribeye Cap" or "Spinalis Dorsi," it is considered the most desirable portion of the ribeye and delivering a luxurious balance of rich flavor and succulent, melt-in-your-mouth texture - ideal for pan-searing, grilling, or sous vide.

Also known as: Spinalis Dorsi, Ribeye Cap, Ribeye Cap Steak


Jac Wagyu Rib Cap Meat MB3+ is a prized cut for its intense flavor and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. Nestled along the outer edge of the ribeye, it boasts an unmatched richness that will impress even seasoned steak enthusiasts. Imagine this paired with the luxurious qualities of Wagyu beef! Its exceptional marbling (with a score of MB3) ensures a moderate level of luscious fat running through the meat, boosting the already incredible flavor and tenderness to truly decadent levels.

- 100% HGP-Free Wagyu
- Marble score 3+
- No Hormones
- Antibiotic Free
- Australian Grown & Made
- Carbon Neutral
- 100% Nautral
- Certified Humane
- Luxuriously marbled
- Exceptionally tender

Important Notes:
- High Heat, Short Cook Time: Rib cap, with its rich marbling, is perfect for high-heat cooking that delivers a beautiful sear while preserving its succulent interior.
- Aim for Medium-Rare: This cut is best enjoyed medium-rare for ultimate tenderness.

1. Heat a cast-iron skillet or grill pan over high heat.
2. Sear the rib cap for approximately 1-2 minutes per side for a deep, flavorful crust.
3. Reduce heat to medium and cook for another 2-3 minutes per side, depending on thickness, until you reach your desired doneness.

1. Preheat grill to high heat.
2. Sear the rib cap for 1-2 minutes per side directly over the heat to create a nice char.
3. Move to indirect heat and continue cooking, closing the grill lid, until desired doneness.

Sous Vide:
1. Set your sous vide device to your preferred level of doneness (refer to guides for medium-rare, medium, etc.).
2. Season and seal the rib cap in a sous vide bag.
3. Cook for the time recommended based on thickness (usually 1-2 hours).
4. Finish with a quick, high-heat sear for a perfect crust.

- Thermometer is Key: A meat thermometer is essential. For medium-rare, aim for internal temperature of 54-57°C (130-135°F).
- Rest, Then Slice: Let the rib cap rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing against the grain for maximum tenderness.
- Experiment with Cuts: Rib cap can be cooked whole or cut into individual steaks.

Rare (48-52°C / 120-125°F): Soft texture, very red center. For those who enjoy Wagyu's melt-in-the-mouth richness.

Medium-Rare (54-57°C / 130-135°F): Highly recommended for Wagyu. The perfect balance of tenderness, juiciness, and the buttery flavor Wagyu is known for. Center is bright pink and warm.

Medium (60-63°C / 140-145°F): Slightly firmer texture, light pink center. Still tender and flavorful, but some of the luxurious melt-in-the-mouth feel may be diminished.

Medium-Well (65-68°C / 150-155°F): Pinkish-gray center, noticeably firmer. Not generally recommended for Wagyu unless you truly prefer your steak more cooked through.

Well-Done (Above 68°C / 155°F): Not recommended for Wagyu. The high-fat content can lead to a tough and dry texture at this temperature

All of our beef is vacuum-packed, extending its shelf life by 50%. Each beef cut is individually vacuum-packed for convenient storage.

Chiller 0°C to 4°C: 3 to 5 days
Freezer below 0ºC: Up to 12 months - though it's unlikely to remain there for so long!

How to Handle and Thaw: For optimal results, thaw the beef in the refrigerator for upto 48 hours, preserving its natural juices for exceptional flavor.

Jac Wagyu embodies the rich tradition of Australian cattle farming. This fourth-generation family operation thrives in the heart of beef country, the pristine Bingara region of north-western New South Wales. Their dedication to quality is evident in their lush properties spanning 2,500 hectares within the fertile Gwydir Valley. Through years of experience, their tried and tested methods ensure the consistent production of premium Wagyu beef. This passion is deeply rooted – Jac Wagyu's diverse production includes Wagyu F1 and full-blood Wagyu. With a commitment to quality, they utilize 14 Wagyu Full Blood bulls to service their impressive herd of 500+ cows, with calving taking place primarily in Spring months.
